Gauteng Premier’s anti-corruption unit is grossly understaffed – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says this pathetic unit shows the ANC isn’t serious about rooting out corruption

Gauteng Premier’s anti-corruption unit is grossly understaffed

25 October 2023

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi’s anti-corruption unit is grossly understaffed, with 20 out of 43 posts vacant, including the head position.

This is revealed by Lesufi in a written reply to my questions in the Gauteng Legislature.

According to Lesufi, the Provincial Forensic Unit does not have a Chief Director, and is short of 4 investigators as well as vacancies in the following positions:

Trainee Level 2 - 9 vacancies

Assistant Director - 3 vacancies

Deputy Director - 1 vacancy

Personal Assistant - 1 vacancy

Administration Clerk - 1 vacancy

Since January this year there have been 10 resignations. Lesufi says the high turnover rate is because of “the high demand of these skills in the market, higher income jobs and career growth.” He says they are head-hunting for a capable and skilled head for the unit.

Last year, there were 76 investigation requests, but 47 (62%) of these are still not concluded. One investigation took more than 8 years to be concluded!

This pathetic unit shows the ANC isn’t serious about rooting out corruption, probably because so many of their buddies are implicated.

The Gauteng provincial government needs a fully staffed and professional internal investigation unit to speedily root out rampant corruption that deprives residents of vital services.

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Member, Oversight Committee on the Premiers Office and Legislature, 25 October 2023