Gauteng Premier's Office vehicles clock up 95 speeding fines - DA

Jack Bloom says fines paid by drivers concerned, but trend suggests lack of discipline


Vehicles in Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane's office racked up 95 fines totalling R125 000 in the last three years.

 This is revealed in a written reply by Mokonyane to my questions in the Gauteng Legislature.

 According to Mokonyane, recorded vehicle fines were as follows:

2009 - 9 fines totalling R3250

2010 - 42 fines totalling R55 400

2011 - 44 fines totalling R67 000

All the fines were paid by the drivers concerned, but it is of concern that the number of fines has increased over the years.

It shows up lack of controls and ill-disciplined behaviour by drivers in the premier's own office.

Surprisingly, the premier's own official vehicle did not have any recorded fines over this period. Are traffic officers scared to ticket her car or is her vehicle always within the speeding limit, even with blue lights?

Statement issued by Jack Bloom MPL, DA Gauteng Caucus Leader, June 19 2012

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