Gauteng writes off R535m owed by medical schemes - DA

Jack Bloom says claims were submitted after prescribed 120 days


The Gauteng Health Department has been forced to write off R535 million from private medical schemes.

Most of this is because claims were submitted after the 120 days prescribed period, but in other cases poor documentation was to blame including claims rejected because of wrong codes.

This is revealed in the Department's response to recommendations on collection of patient debt made by the Public accounts Committee of the Gauteng Legislature.

This is a devastating loss due to gross inefficiency.

The department has an appalling record in collecting patient fees, including R230 million owing from the Road Accident Fund and more than R200 million for the health departments of neighbouring provinces that send patients to Gauteng hospitals for treatment.

It was also revealed earlier that the Department lost R86 million last year because it failed to charge interest on outstanding patient debt.

The Department's mismanagement puts into question the future of its Folateng private wards in state hospitals that were meant to make money to cross-subsidise state patients, but instead run at a loss.

With present poor management there is no way that Gauteng hospitals will be able to be part of Government's proposed National Health Insurance.

Gauteng Health MEC Ntombi Mekgwe must pay special attention to electronic billing rather than the present flawed system.

Statement issued by Jack Bloom MPL, Democratic Alliance Gauteng health Spokesman, November 29 2010

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