Gayton McKenzie to be reported to PP as well – EFF

Fighters say minister’s violations of legislation so grave and financial in nature, further investigation is warranted

EFF statement following referral of Gayton Mckenzie to Ethic Committee for misuse of taxpayer money and dishonesty regarding his attendance of Paris Olympic Games

16 October 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has today referred Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture Gayton McKenzie to the Registrar for the Ethics and Members Interests Committee, for his flagrant misuse of taxpayer's money in his attendance of the 2024 Olympic Games which were held in Paris, France.

In addition to reporting McKenzie for the misuse of taxpayer money, the EFF has additionally reported him for being dishonest in the public domain, as he in contradiction to his own parliamentary response to a question for written reply, denied attending the Olympic Games. However, he himself conceded to have spent R804 590.71 attending the Olympics in his official response to a parliamentary question.

McKenzie has now further tied himself to proof that he is not paying attention to the work of his Department, because he has in his relentless attempt to secure public favour and as a result of his obsession with public praise, written a letter to the Acting Director General for the Department of Sports and Culture to clarify the expenditure related to his trip to the Olympic games. In doing this, McKenzie has tied himself officially to the wasteful expenditure and accepted that he did indeed attend the Olympics.

According to Section 3 of the Principles of the Code of Ethical Conduct, which applies to both Members of Parliament and Members of the Executive, all Members are expected to conduct themselves in the following manner:

A Member must adhere to the following principles-

(a) Selflessness: take decisions solely in terms of public interest and without regard to personal financial or other material benefits for themselves, their immediate family, their business partners, or their friends;

(b) Integrity: steadfastly avoid placing themselves under any financial or other obligation to any outside individual or organisation where this creates a conflict or potential conflict of interest with his or her role as a Member;

(c) Objectivity: in carrying out public business, including making public appointments, do so only on the basis of merit and in accordance with Constitutional imperatives;

(d) Openness: Members should be as open as possible about all decisions and actions, bearing in mind the constitutional obligation for openness and transparency;

(e) Honesty: Members must declare private interests relating to public duties and resolve any conflict arising in a way that protects public interest; and

(f) Leadership: promote and support ethical conduct by leadership and example.

It is our objective belief that McKenzie violated the above principles of the Code of Ethical Conduct by misusing taxpayer's money for exorbitant expenditures on travel and accommodation in Paris, and subsequently lying about it in the public domain.

Furthermore, he contradicted his own reply to a question in Parliament.

In filing our complaint against McKenzie, we believe that he additionally breached the specific provisions of the following Ethical Codes found in Section 5 and these read as follows:

A member must:

b) Uphold the oath or affirmation taken by the Member in terms of Schedule 2, item 4 of the Constitution; - McKenzie has violated this provision by lying to the public and misusing taxpayer's money on his trip to France.

c) Act on all occasions in accordance with the public trust placed in her or him; - McKenzie has violated this provision by abusing the public trust placed in him to utilise public funds responsibly.

d) Place the public interest above her or his own interests when discharging her or his obligations in terms of the Constitution, to Parliament and the public at large; - Gayton McKenzie has violated this provision by placing his own interests above the interests of the public while discharging his duties in France, by exorbitant expenditure on ground and air travel.

e) Maintain public confidence and trust in the integrity of Parliament and thereby engender the respect and confidence that society needs to have in Parliament as a representative institution; - Gayton Mckenzie has violated this provision by eroding public trust in the interfaith of Parliament as he, as a representative of Parliament, has squandered public funds.

Through his conduct, Gayton McKenzie has not only violated the Code of Ethical Conduct, but the Ministerial Handbook which Guides Members of the Executive on how to utilise public funds in relation to their duties and in specific relation to international travel. McKenzie has violated the following provisions of the Ministerial Handbook:
1.3. Ministers and Deputy Ministers should approach the President in writing to request approval for the intended visit and in the event of a planned official visit abroad, such request should be at least two weeks prior to departure. Such request, in the case of a Minister, should be accompanied by a request for the appointment of an Acting Minister. — In the instance of this provision, it will be imperative for the President of the Republic of South Africa to confirm whether he was aware of the travel by McKenzie to France and the related exorbitant costs.

1.8. Ministers and Deputy Ministers should inform the Minister and Department responsible for Intemational Relations and Cooperation timeously of intended international visits in order for the Department responsible for International Relations and Cooperation to render the necessary support to the Minister or Deputy Minister while abroad. — In the instance of this provision, it will be imperative to ascertain whether the Minister for International Relations was informed of McKenzie's trip to France and whether they provided the necessary support to avoid the misuse of public funds by McKenzie.

1.11. Ministers and Deputy Ministers may be accompanied by departmental staff and or special advisers, after taking cognisance of necessary prudent financial considerations as well as the allocation of official tasks. In addition to the departmental staff, no more than 2 support staff should accompany a Minister or Deputy Minister abroad. South African Missions abroad are available, within the constraints of their capabilities, to render support services to travelling Ministers and Deputy Ministers, provided prior notice of the visit is given. - In the instance of this provision it will be necessary to ascertain whether those who accompanied McKenzie to the Olympics in France were taken there with consideration to the financial implications thereof, whether the limitation of no more than two members of support staff was adhered to, and what the specific official tasks of any support staff were on the trip.

6.1 Accommodation and subsistence expenses should be kept as low as possible by making use of hotels which suit the status of Members, but which have reasonable tariffs (5 star graded hotel or equivalent of a South African 5 star graded hotel).

6.2 Booking of hotels should, as far as possible, be done in consultation with the Department responsible for International Relations and Cooperation.

The EFF is of the firm belief that McKenzie violated these provisions particularly as they relate to subsistence expenses, as the expenditure on what he referred to as "ground travel" was abnormally high and amounted to almost half a million rand.

The violations of these pieces of legislation are so grave and financial in nature, that the EFF will also be reporting him to the Office of the Public Protector for further investigation. The EFF will not relent in ensuring that the Executive is held accountable, and that public funds are not misused to the benefit of ex-convicts and their associates.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 17 October 2024