GDED fails residents by missing key job creation targets – DA Gauteng

Trend within the dept is worrying, as its core mandate is to facilitate economic growth in the province

GDED fails Gauteng residents by missing key job creation targets

11 October 2023

The Gauteng Department of Economic Development (GDED) is continually failing to meet critical job creation targets, leaving our unemployed residents in the lurch.

The unemployment rate in Gauteng is currently at over 2.6 million, yet this department has not met its targets in the following sectors:

Creative sector

Gig opportunities in the creative sector

High-growth sector

Global Business Services

In the creative sector, 141 jobs were created against a target of 40 515. A total of 249 334 gig work opportunities had to be created; however, only 372 were created. In the high-growth sectors, 2 935 jobs had to be created, but only 539 jobs were created. In Global Business Services, only 320 jobs were created out of a target of 100,000 jobs.

This trend within the department is worrying, as its core mandate is to facilitate economic growth in the province. In turn, this will help create the correct environment for businesses to grow and strengthen investor confidence, which will lead to the creation of long-term employment opportunities.

It is unacceptable that our residents are being failed every year when this department is unable to meet the job creation targets they have set.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) will be tabling further questions in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) to determine what measures will be put in place to ensure that this department delivers on its core mandate. In addition, the DA will also be asking questions regarding what the department is doing to assist SMMEs in showcasing their products, particularly within the creative sector.

Issued by Nicola Du Plessis, DA Gauteng Spokesperson for Economic Development, 11 October 2023