GNU must put the people of SA first – ANC

Party welcomes President’s ANC-led GNU Cabinet announcement and urges Executive to get to work

ANC welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC-led GNU Cabinet announcement and urges the Executive to get to work in the national interest

1 July 2024

The African National Congress (ANC) welcomes the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on the appointment of the ANC-led Government of National Unity (GNU).

The formation of the Government of National Unity based on the Statement of Intent is a reflection that all of us must work together to "Heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights." (Constitution of the RSA, 1996). We call on all parties who signed up to the GNU to keep these wise words of the Constitution top of mind, and to put the people of our country first.

The ANC-Led GNU Cabinet that will serve and lead the 7th democratic administration is an important step forward, and a testament to the resilience of our democracy. Now that Cabinet is formed, the finalisation of the structures of Parliament will take priority, to give expression to the national legislature's legislative and oversight mandate for the 7th term. The dynamic interplay between policy and oversight authorities will be a critical part of making the Government of National Unity effective in bringing about transformation, redress and national unity.


In canvassing the rationale of the Government of National Unity, the ANC as the largest party in both the National Assembly (NA) and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) has completed extensive engagements with all the 18 parties represented in Parliament. The GNU Statement of Intent has been signed by 11 parties with representation in Parliament, constituting 72% of seats in the National Assembly.

The Statement of Intent commits the signatories to work together on the basis of a common commitment to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and rule of law, as well as the key task of ensuring social justice, equality and redress, in the context of the specific history of South Africa.

The ANC remains committed to having engagements with all 18 parties represented in Parliament. This commitment is to ensure that we work together effectively, in both government and the legislatures, so that we collectively contribute towards a stable, growing and vibrant democracy, that addresses the needs of all the people, and leaves no-one behind.


With the announcement of Cabinet, both of the governance arms of the state, the legislature and the executive, are now ready to function in full effect. This week both Houses of Parliament, the National Assembly (NA) and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) will convene plenary sittings to complete the election of the remaining leadership in the national legislature.

The ANC will continue to exercise its leadership role by engaging with every party, including those who are not part of the GNU, in the interests of transformation, redress, national unity, peace and stability.


The ANC furthermore welcomes the endorsement by a range of Foundations for a National Dialogue, as a process for South Africans to reflect on the first three decades of our democracy, and most importantly to chart the key collective tasks over the coming five years and the next decade, to tackle the triple challenges of unemployment, inequality and poverty.

The ANC has started the process of briefing and engaging with its structures and sectors. Engagement sessions with provincial leadership collectives started on Wednesday 26 June 2024 and all the Provincial Executive Committees have concluded their meetings this weekend. Next week, the NEC and PECs will engage the regions and branches.

We remain mindful of the key issues raised by the people throughout the elections campaign, as expressed by the President in his Inauguration statement.

We once again call on the ANC-Led Government of National Unity Executive to immediately get to down to work on the pressing issues facing our nation.

Let's do more, together.

Issued by ANC, 1 July 2024