GNU really a grand coalition between ANC and racist DA – EFF

ANC has abandoned its historical role as liberation movement, say Fighters

EFF statement on the announcement of the ANC-DA grand coalition Cabinet by Cyril Ramaphosa

30 June 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has noted the announcement by Cyril Ramaphosa of what is essentially an ANC-DA cabinet, confirming our longstanding view that the "government of national unity" (GNU) was nothing but a smokescreen for the ANC to secure a predetermined grand coalition with the racist DA.

It is even more concerning that this cabinet has been increased and bloated, signalling more pressure on taxpayers to allow for the accommodation of racists and their policies in high positions of power.

The announcement by Cyril Ramaphosa confirms that the ANC has abandoned its historical role as a liberation movement in Africa, and has solidified its role as an instrument of white supremacy, and domestic and global capital on the continent. By gifting the DA six (6) ministerial posts, and six (6) deputy ministerial roles, on-top of the position of Deputy Speaker of Parliament, the ANC has surpassed the compromises they made in 1994.

These positions mean that racists are poised to implement regressive and neo-liberal policies that will entrench market-fundamentalism and profit maximisation by the corporate and financial sector, at the expense of the poor black majority. At a policy level, it is inexcusable to give racists control and influence in sectors such as Agriculture, Trade, Finance, Education, Energy and Infrastructural Development, when they have exhibited that where they govern, they prioritise the interests of the white minority.

The rest of the so-called "GNU" members have been rendered glorified spectators, who legitimise the pact the ANC has entered into with racists and their mandated political agenda, which comes from the Oppenheimers and Ruperts. The EFF is therefore vindicated in its decision to not form part of the self-juniorisation these political parties have subjected themselves to, where a political party of the white capitalist establishment presides over their descent into insignificance.

The EFF long cautioned that the massive investment by the Oppenheimer families in organisations such as the DA and IFP was to capture South Africa's democratic project and subvert the marginal gains made since 1994. This subversion has come through the distorting of the political arena in SA through funding, and has now come full circle.

We call on all South Africans, the continent, and our allies in the globe to appreciate that South Africa has become a right-wing enclave in the continent, that is unable to commit to meaningful change or challenge global capital, imperialism, and ethnic genocide, because they are in bed with the perpetrators of injustice.

The EFF remains the fighting and leading force against capitalism, racism, corruption, and poverty in South Africa, and will lead the birth of a new revolution since the former liberation now sits firmly in the oppressors camp.

We will remain an effective opposition, whose sole responsibility will be to undermine the backward policy advancements of the ANC-DA grand coalition at all levels of government and on the picket lines. Our collective responsibility as revolutionaries remains to fight for Economic Freedom In Our Lifetime, and report to the masses of our people that the former liberation movement has betrayed its historical mission, and morphed into a weapon of racism.

Let us build a strong, principled and revolutionary altemative towards true liberation.

It's no retreat, no surrender as we confront racists and their lapdogs!

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 1 July 2024