Government committed to responding to media

GCIS says concerns raised on the non-responsiveness or late responding to media queries have been taken seriously

Government committed to responding to media

20 August 2024

Government notes the article published in the online publication BusinessTech on a recent experiment where they reached out to all ministries for comment via email and received a 37.5% response rate.

Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) as the custodian of sound relations between government and media is committed to continuous improved relations with various media houses, journalists and media bodies such as the South African National Editors Forum, (SANEF), Association of Independent Publishers (AIP), National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) and the Press Council.

The concerns raised by various stakeholders on the non-responsiveness or late responding to media queries have been taken seriously and engagements have been held to ensure a harmonious environment , however this work continues as often communicators and media liaison officers move between different organisations, thus leading to a possible lapse of communication during transitioning of personnel. The GCIS is committed to addressing this challenge by ensuring that all communicators are oriented and au fait with good media relations practices as outlined in the government communications policy approved by cabinet in 2018.

GCIS urges media who experience challenges with media queries to contact its media engagement officials who will assist in ensuring that communicators are responding timeously with reasonable engagement between them and the journalists about deadlines and adequate responses.

Issued by William Baloyi, Chief Director Media Engagement, Department of Communications, 20 August 2024