Govt's assistance noted, Cape Town's offer also still available – Dan Plato

Mayor says city offered occupiers alternative land on two occasions, but offer was refused

National Government assistance offered on Klein Akker private eviction noted

26 August 2019 

The assistance being offered to those evicted from the privately owned farm in Kraaifontein by the National Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has been noted. 

The City of Cape Town has on two occasions, prior to the court proceedings last week, offered the occupiers alternative land, which was unfortunately refused, except for one family who accepted the offer.

We note the assistance now being offered by the National Government, however, we reiterate that our offer is still available to the occupiers, as our offer was subsequently made an Order of Court.

The City’s offer of assistance, which was subsequently made an Order of Court is as follows:

The Judgement entails:

- That the City make available temporary emergency shelter in the form of land and emergency housing kits at the emergency housing site, within 24 hours of the Order to all those persons who were identified in the Court proceedings and who were rendered homeless through the eviction process. This will be an interim solution to the emergency housing needs of the homeless occupiers until they are relocated to the identified emergency housing site. This site is currently being prepared.

- The homeless occupiers are required to request to the City in writing on or before Friday 30 August 2019 of their intention to relocate to the identified emergency housing site where emergency accommodation will be available within six weeks from the date on which the City is notified of their acceptance. Thus, interim assistance will be provided until the site preparation has been finalised.

- The City will provide transport to those affected who have indicated that they would like to take up the City’s offer of temporary emergency shelter.

The Sheriff of the Court, supported by the South African Police Service (SAPS), on Monday 19 August 2019 evicted the occupiers from the privately-owned land. The City’s law enforcement agencies did not take part. As per the Court’s Eviction Order, the City offered alternative accommodation to the evictees in developments in the vicinity. These offers were first refused.

The City then proposed its offer of assistance which was made an Order of Court.

Issued by Greg Wagner, Spokesperson to the Executive Mayor, Dan Plato, 26 August 2019