The Department of Basic Education has strongly rejected reports that some schools in Limpopo had not received textbooks. The Department has provided proof that the schools mentioned in the media reports have indeed received textbooks just like all other schools in the province.
The Department has a water-tight system that ensures all schools receive the required number of books as per the data supplied by the Provincial Department of Education.
The 2013 procurement and delivery of the CAPS-aligned textbooks for schools in Limpopo Grades 4,5,6 and 11 had to ensure that the right number of textbooks, in the right languages, for all the learners were delivered at the right time (Annexure B)
At least three favourably reduced quotations per textbook, per subject, per language were shortlisted. With considerable cost savings gained, orders were placed with all identified publishers on 7 September 2012. Orders were based on the data received from the senior manager of EMIS in LDoE and not on school-based ordering of textbooks.
The data for Grades 4-6 and 11 was provided by the LDoE to the service provider for delivery on 20th October 2012. Subsequently, a second set of signed-off data was provided on 16 November to be used to inform the delivery of textbooks to Limpopo schools.
Finalisation of the procurement process of the delivery agent (UTI) for the fine distribution of textbooks to all public schools in Limpopo was completed on 16 October 2012. The existing infrastructure of the central warehouse, staff and equipment of the LDoE was retained and incorporated into the UTI business processes for delivery. An additional warehouse in close proximity of the central warehouse was procured to accommodate receipting and bulk storage of stock.