Clothing Bargaining Council makes historic Covid-19 lockdown agreement for the clothing industry public
6 April 2020
On 23 March this year, the National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry of South Africa, ratified South Africa's first 'COVID-19 Lockdown National Collective Agreement'.
This unique collective agreement guarantees employees in our industry full payment for the duration of a 6-week lock-down period.
It provides for consideration of extensions of this 6-week period (subject to further collective bargaining), in the event that the lockdown is extended beyond a 6-week period.
On 26 March 2020, just 3 days after our collective agreement was concluded under the auspices of the clothing industry bargaining council, our Minister of Employment & Labour, Minister ThulasNxesi, declared this collective agreement to be national law, when he published it in the government gazette and extended it to be applicable to all companies and employees in our domestic clothing manufacturing industry.