HRC to investigate Joburg human rights abuses – DA

Party welcomes decision to take action following complaint lodged regarding living conditions

Joburg human rights abuses: HRC agrees to investigate

13 April 2016

The DA is delighted at the Human Rights Commission’s decision to investigate the City of Johannesburg for rights abuses across the city.

This follows the DA’s complaint lodged in late March regarding living conditions in, among others, Zandspruit, KwaMaiMai, and hostels in Alexandra. 

The complaint was sought to hold Mayor Parks Tau and his administration, who have for too long ignored the plight of Joburg’s poorest and most vulnerable, to account.  

In the upcoming local government election people hold the power to vote for change, and have the choice to vote in a DA-led city government. 

A DA government in Johannesburg will deliver functioning sewerage infrastructure, running water and electricity, and spend more public money on providing services to our poorest communities. 

The DA will bring change to Johannesburg just as we have done where we already govern.

Change is coming to Johannesburg, because where the DA governs, life is better.

Issued by Willie Venter, Director: Communications and Research, DA, 13 April 2016