HRC’s “diversity education” in schools is ideological indoctrination
18 July 2022
AfriForum Youth intends to oppose the South African Human Rights Commission’s (HRC) proposed “diversity training” in schools. This opposition is not only due to the fact that staff and time are lacking in the timetables, but also that this “training” is nothing but ideological indoctrination of children.
The HRC claims that this “training” is necessary to fight racism. Yet the same HRC earlier in a ruling found that it is not hate speech if Julius Malema romanticises violence against minorities, because he is black and because black people (in the HRC’s analysis) cannot be measured by the same standards as white people .
“When it comes to racism, the Human Rights Commission is part of the problem, not the solution. We cannot allow children to be indoctrinated with this kind of ideological activism,” says René van der Vyver, spokesperson for AfriForum Youth.
Fatima Chohan, Deputy Chairperson of the HRC, said earlier at a media conference (July 13) that, “one must remember that discriminatory policies have been applied for hundreds of years to the point of being culturally ingrained.” This is just one of the signs that indicate to AfriForum Youth that there will be a specific ideological undertone in this school subject.