Hundreds of dead Blue Cranes were poisoned - DA NCape

Ismail Obaray says toxicological analysis of a stomach content sample revealed a very high concentration of diazinon

DA calls for toughest punishment for blue crane bird killer

12 March 2015

The DA calls for the toughest punishment possible for the killer of the Blue Crane birds in the Richmond area.

I have requested a meeting with the HOD of environment and nature conservation department Mr. Denver van Heerden to present the results from the tests by Griffon Poison Information Centre (see DFA report).

Toxicological analysis of a stomach content sample of a dead Blue Crane revealed a very high concentration of diazinon.

The tests results reveal that maize was soaked in diazinon and laid out to poison the Blue Cranes. It has been implicated in deliberate and accidental poisoning of Blue Cranes on a number of occasions in the past but the Richmond case it is the worst of its kind to date.

The DA echoes the call by many environmental groups that no stone be left unturned in ensuring that the perpetrator of this horrendous act is brought to book.

The Blue Crane is our National Bird and is a national treasure deserving of protection and conservation.

The Northern Cape has only about 5 000 of these birds, and if 1000 have been killed in Richmond, we have lost 20% of our Blue Cranes.

The DA calls for the farmer responsible to be identified and charged for this horrific crime believed to span almost three years.

It is puzzling that the department believes that these results from the Griffon Poison Information Centre are "not enough concrete proof".

What more proof do they need before they can act?

The DA will continue to follow up with provincial department and put pressure on law enforcement agencies to act decisively on this crime, if it needs be we will lay a criminal charge against the farmer.

Statement issued by Ismail Obaray, MPL, DA Northern Cape spokesperson on the environment, March 12 2015

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