I am abused by MPs in Parliament – Zuma

President says being called names is making it difficult for him

I am abused by MPs in Parliament - Zuma

13 September 2016

Cape Town – President Jacob Zuma has lamented the abuse he faces in the National Assembly every time he answers questions.

Following his question session in the National Assembly, Zuma told the National Assembly that it would be unfair for him to step off, without raising his concerns.

“Each time when I come here, I am abused by members of your house. Instead of answering questions, I sit here being called a criminal, a thief,” he said.

He called for Parliament to do something about it.

“You are going to make it very difficult for me to willful my constitutional obligations, I think if I don’t raise the matter, I would be failing in my duty.”

He should not have to face people who did not respect the house, Zuma told MPs.

“I have to sit here and wait for these discussions. Your house must do something. If this house is not interested in me answering questions, you must say so, then don’t call me,” he said, before stepping off the podium.

Earlier in the sitting, Economic Freedom Fighters and Congress of the People MPs walked out of the sitting, refusing to be addressed by Zuma.

“We’ll come back when the criminal is gone, we are not going to listen to the criminal,” EFF leader Julius Malema said.

Zuma's session in the National Assembly was first marred by the Congress of the People’s refusal to allow him to speak, with Willie Madisha disputing the president’s ‘honour’.

This article first appeared on News24, see here