I HAVE never been nor will I ever be a member of the African National Congress. This declaration, at the insistence of the Mahogany Ridge regulars, is offered in the interests of a balanced Grouse and in the hope that a few troubled minds will be put to rest.
But first, an explanation. A couple of weeks back I revealed that, one, I had never been nor will will I ever be a member of the DA and, two, that I have never, in fact, been a member of any political party.
In this respect, you could say that I've heard what Bob Dylan has said on the matter - "Don't follow leaders, watch the parkin' meters. . ." - and that I intend to enjoy a sort of non-aligned future that is quite in keeping with my chosen calling as an impartial person who complains about everything.
Anyway, I'd have thought there was nothing ambiguous about the above two points. But no, silly me. A number of readers are now under the impression that not being a DA member or a member of any political party must mean that I am ANC member.
There are two possible reasons for this. One, a number of readers are hard of thinking. Two, the ANC is not a political party. Being a charitable sort, I'm inclined to believe it is the latter.
But if the ANC is not a political party, then what is it?