ICJ rules against Zionist entity again – MRN

This comes hot on heels of news of impending ICC arrest warrants for chief genocide enablers Netanyahu and Gallant, notes Network

International Court of Justice rules against Zionist entity once again. Will the international community continue to turn a blind eye?

26 May 2024

The Media Review Network welcomes the latest verdict from the International Court of Justice, brought by South Africa, ordering the Zionist entity to immediately cease all military operations and withdraw from Rafah.  
The court further ordered the Zionist entity to withdraw from the Rafah Crossing and allow unhindered flow of aid into the besieged enclave.
In light of the desperate humanitarian situation, the ICJ reiterated previous orders made, including ordering the entity to cease all genocidal actions against the Palestinians. 
Hot on heels of news of impending ICC arrest warrants for the Zionist entity's chief genocide enablers, Netenyahu and Gallant, the ICJ ruling is expected to pile on additional international and diplomatic pressure on the regime in Tel Aviv. 
The international consensus is crystal clear, the Zionists are committing genocide and are in breach of international law. 
South Africa must be commended once again for approaching the Court, despite its inherent imperfections, to secure some relief for the Palestinians.
This comes at great cost to South Africa  which continues to hold moral authority in the international community.
However, it is largely expected that most of the Global North will continue to resist the court's judgments and protect the Zionist regime to the hilt. 
Despite the court's decision, and reflective of the level of our faith in international law,  we at the Media Review Network continue to support the armed struggle being waged by Hamas et al. as the most viable path to Palestinian liberation and the achievement of a single state in Historic Palestine for all indigenous people of the land.
The longer the situation continues, the greater the chance the Zionists face total destruction.
Issued by Farhin Delawala, Researcher, Media Review Network, 26 May 2024