IEB matrics congratulated on 98% pass rate - Bax Nodada

DA MP says a total of 15 180 candidates wrote the IEB exam in 2023, of whom 88.59% achieving a Bachelor’s degree pass

DA congratulates IEB matrics on 98% pass rate

18 January 2024

The DA congratulates the matric learners who wrote their Independent Examination Board (IEB) National Senior Certificate examinations, on their outstanding pass rate of 98.46%.

These learners started their grade 10 year in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which was a tremendous challenge, and they should be incredibly proud of all they’ve accomplished.

A total of 15 180 candidates wrote the IEB exam in 2023, of which 88.59% achieving a Bachelor’s degree pass. The IEB matriculants clearly have bright futures ahead and we wish them the best of luck

Many of South Africa’s public schools however, are not conducive learning environments with overcrowding, dangerous infrastructure, including 3 932 pit toilets, shortages of specialist STEM subject teachers (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), general poor educational quality, lack of learning and teaching support material (LTSM), and National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) failures.

Given the 2022 real matric pass rate of only 54.6%, 81% of grade 4 and 56% of grade 6 learners cannot read for meaning, grade 4 and 8 learners struggle with basic maths and science, as well as the recent revelation that almost 40% of grade 10 pupils and more than 25% of grade 8s in the Free State failed their exams last year, it is clear that the Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga and her Department has a lot to learn from the IEB.

Continuous assessments as an approach to mitigate against poor quality matric outcomes must be investigated.

The DA reiterates our call for an independent school monitoring evaluation authority to evaluate and monitor teachers so that all learners receive the quality education they all deserve.

We wish the NSC matriculants good luck for their results.

Issued by Bax Nodada, DA Shadow Minister of Basic Education, 18 January 2024