I will be standing for Mayor of Johannesburg – Herman Mashaba

ActionSA President says he is ready to work with every resident to get the city working again

Herman Mashaba – Ready to bring change to Jozi, with your support

20 May 2021

Note to editors: The video clip of Mr Mashaba’s announcement can be found here. An audio clip by Herman Mashaba, ActionSA President, can be found here.

Fellow South Africans, Good morning!

I have never been known to beat about the bush, and I am not about to start today.  I come before you to announce my decision, to run as a candidate in ActionSA’s mayoral candidate election, and, with your support, run to be Mayor of the City of Joburg in the upcoming Local Government Elections in October this year.

The decision to make myself available as a candidate in these elections, has been one I have wrestled with for some time.

As President of ActionSA, I have had the opportunity to travel the length and breadth of our beautiful country, and while the problems may seem impossible, South Africans are hopeful that new political leadership can finally bring positive, and permanent change to their lives. 

It is an indictment on our political system that, 27 years into our democracy, that there are communities that have NEVER known running water in their taps; still use a candle every night to light their homes because they have NEVER had access to electricity; they stumble in dark squatter camps because there are NO street lights; families who have NEVER held a title deed, and truly called any place home; and communities which live in fear of criminals because police are in cahoots with the criminals.

I believe, together, we can bring the change our people need. 

I believe ActionSA can be the force for that change.

Now more than ever, I believe THAT change starts by rebuilding our country from the ground up - community by community; ward by ward; municipality by municipality; right up to the very top at the union buildings in Pretoria.

The work of rebuilding our nation starts with these local government elections, and, getting Johannesburg, the heartbeat of this beautiful country, back on track. 

I have said it before and I will say it again if Johannesburg works, South Africa works;

I am ready to work with every resident to get our Johannesburg working. 

Truth be told, when I left the as mayor, a little over two years ago, I was disappointed that I was unable to complete the mission that I had set out on - certainly not under the party I then worked with. 

As a multi-party coalition government, we wanted to drive an agenda that, for the first time in Johannesburg's history, focused on getting the basics of service delivery right, while also prioritising a pro-poor and inclusive agenda that benefitted all residents. 

In the end, the coalition government, with me as Mayor, and my former party, could not see eye-to-eye on this.

So, I left! 

But, the people of Johannesburg have remained close to my heart. 

In fact, it is in response to your calls after my resignation that I started The People’s Dialogue, and ultimately launched ActionSA.

So now, I am asking you, the residents of Johannesburg, to once again afford me the honour and privilege to serve you, and to complete the work we began together in 2016.

Although the multi-party government made many strides during my tenure as Mayor, there is no doubt that there is still much to do, in order to get our City back to work.

Much of the progress made by the multi-party government, which I led, has been reversed by the present administration.

Residents have suffered the brunt of a decline in key services needed, to lead dignified and fulfilled lives. 

From rapidly worsening road and transport infrastructure, declining access to basic water, hygiene and sanitation services, homelessness, poor housing and urban accommodation, deteriorating conditions in the inner city, rampant crime, and the unreliable supply of electricity, even when Eskom generators are miraculously working, the City is in a state of crisis. 

Making matters worse, poorly managed urban migration, coupled with high unemployment, particularly amongst the youth, has not made things any easier for residents – more especially, in the face of COVID-19. 

Unfortunately, when residents rightfully point out the lack of service delivery, they are served multiple excuses.

This can’t continue.

Local government sits at the coalface of service delivery.

All other spheres of government are dependent on it for delivery. If we cannot get local government working, very little else in government will work. 

I am committed to getting Johannesburg working, not only for its own sake, but for the sake of our country.

During my 3 years as Mayor, we started to make real progress, and see real changes, as we embarked on the mammoth task, of turning the City of Johannesburg around.

We initiated a massive investment programme to address the City’s R170 billion infrastructure backlogs, by reprioritising billions away from luxuries and wasteful expenditure, towards the things that matter most to the residents of our City.

In doing so, we resurfaced almost 1000 km of roads, and tarred 88km of gravel roads throughout the city;

We replaced almost 200km of water pipes and over 125 km of sewer pipes reducing bursts and blockages; 

We electrified over 10,000 households for the first time and provided over 11,000 ablution facilities to those without basic sanitation; 

We improved access to primary healthcare by opening 6 new clinics, and rolled out 10 mobile clinics to reach the most remote residents in the City; 

We expanded the Johannesburg Metro Police with an additional 1,500 officers to fight crime and make residents feel safer in their city; 

We started to address the City’s housing backlogs, by initiating site, and services projects, delivered over 9000 fully serviced stands, for families to build their own homes.

We also delivered 7000 housing opportunities, and issued nearly 8000 title deeds to families who had waited decades for their homes;

We succeeded in launching the Inner-City Rejuvenation Project, that handed over 154 hijacked buildings to the private sector, to build low-cost affordable accommodation for students, private citizens, and business spaces.

These were set to generate about 14 500 accommodation units, to achieve R32 billion in investment, and ultimately create 24 000 permanent jobs; 

We established a unique in-house anti-corruption unit, led by a former member of the Scorpions, investigated more than 6000 cases, involving more than R35 billion in transactions, and made over 800 arrests;

Through our efforts, we were pleased to see an increase in resident service delivery satisfaction, from 61% in 2016 to 73% in 2019 – the highest levels in the history of the City.

Our efforts and successes over the 3 years, demonstrated that change is possible.

But, it requires competent, and ethical leaders with a decisive mandate from the community.

Today I am putting my name forward to serve you, the residents of Johannesburg once more.

And once you give me the mandate, I will resume the work of bringing real changes - or Diphetogo - to the people of Johannesburg.

More broadly, this is the kind of change I know ActionSA will bring to all our communities. 

We will bring change that creates an ethical and professional public service that serves our people; 

We will bring change that restores the rule of law by ensuring law enforcement authorities are capacitated to execute their duties with distinction, and that, they serve our communities with understanding and compassion;

And, we will bring change that revitalises our cities – get them moving and working so that we may restore the dignity that comes with work to all our people.

To enable them to provide for their loved ones, live in safe spaces, and have access to basic services. 

This is my hope for Johannesburg, and what I know ActionSA will bring to our City.

To the residents of the City of Johannesburg, I would now like to ask you that, if you share my vision for our City, please endorse my mayoral candidacy at

As we embark on ActionSA’s Primary Election Process, I look forward to engaging every resident of Johannesburg, alongside my fellow candidates, who will be running alongside me for the Mayoralty, on how we can rebuild Johannesburg.

May God bless our beloved Johannesburg, and may God bless South Africa.

Thank you!

Issued by Herman Mashaba, President, ActionSA, 20 May 2021