Impressive improvement in Eskom’s Energy Availability Factor – COSATU

Federation congratulations Eskom and the municipalities for figures which has for the first time in 3 years exceeded 70%

COSATU congratulates Eskom and the municipalities and their employees for the impressive improvement in Eskom’s Energy Availability Factor

27 May 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) congratulates Eskom and the municipalities and their employees for the impressive improvement in Eskom’s Energy Availability Factor which has for the first time in more than 3 years exceeded 70%.  This has brought relief to the economy enabling workplaces to be productive, for workers to be paid, for jobs to be saved, for fiscal revenues to be improved. 

This significant improvement which has seen the economy spared of loadshedding for more than 2 months is the result of Eskom’s ramping up maintenance of its existing generation fleet and bringing on board new generation capacity.  It is the product of the tireless efforts of Eskom and municipal employees to ensure the generation fleet, transmission and distribution infrastructure are maintained.  It is the fruits of Eskom’s R253 billion debt relief package first proposed by COSATU at Nedlac and Parliament.

It is important that when good work is being done that, we should commend the workers who have made it possible.  The Federation and its Affilaites are proud of our workers. 

It is equally critical that the dedicated efforts of Eskom and municipal staff be recognised by their employers.  This is important to maintaining the high levels of performance and boosting the morale of the workers at Eskom and municipalities who have made these feats possible. 

We note the as always disparaging remarks by some obscure politicians desperate for votes.  These are best ignored as the rantings of those incapable of acknowledging anything positive about South Africa and who in their scavenging for tweets and headlines, have heart palpitations when government gets the job done.

COSATU is pleased with the remarkable turnaround at Eskom and the positive impact it is having on the economy and workers.  It is yet another sign that we are turning the corner from the painful chapter of state capture, corruption and loadshedding and that under the leadership of the President, Cyril Ramaphosa, and the African National Congress, we will continue to see progress.

Issued by Matthew Parks, Acting National Spokesperson & Parliamentary Coordinator, 28 May 2024