Inclusion of AU as permanent member of G20 welcomed – ANC

Party says this was a crucial step for global economic stability and equitable representation

ANC welcomes inclusion of the AU as a permanent member of the G20

11 September 2023

The ANC notes and welcomes the AU's inclusion as a permanent member of the G20, we believe this is crucial for global economic stability and equitable representation. The president of the ANC played a pivotal role in advocating for the AU's inclusion in the G20, highlighting the need for African perspectives and solutions in addressing global challenges, fostering cooperation, and advancing the continent's interests on the world stage.

The G20, comprised of major economies, plays a crucial role in addressing global economic challenges. Its importance lies in facilitating international cooperation, policy coordination, and dialogue on issues like trade, finance, and sustainable development. As a forum for top economic players, the G20 shapes policies that impact the world economy, making it crucial for fostering stability and prosperity on a global scale.

President Ramaphosa's advocacy for the African Union's inclusion as a permanent member in the G20 is a testament to his commitment to the mantra of "leaving no one behind." By championing this cause, he emphasizes the importance of ensuring Africa's voice is heard and its interests are represented on the global stage. This reflects his dedication to promoting inclusivity and equality in international forums, ultimately working towards a more equitable and prosperous world for all.

The ANC's vision of a thriving Africa is rooted in a commitment to economic growth, social development, and political stability across the continent. This dream envisions a prosperous Africa where nations work together to address common challenges, eradicate poverty, ensure access to quality education and healthcare, and promote good governance. It reflects the ANC's enduring aspiration for a united and flourishing Africa that benefits all its people and contributes positively to the global community. South Africa (SA) continues to stand as a central player not only within the African continent but also beyond its borders.

South Africa has equally been at the forefront of lobbying for the African Union (ALI) to secure a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The nation, with its significant diplomatic and economic influence on the African continent, has long argued that the UNSC should be more representative and reflective of the global power balance.

South Africa's efforts stem from a belief that an African presence among the UNSC's permanent members is crucial for addressing the unique challenges and conflicts that affect the continent.

By advocating for the AU's inclusion, South Africa seeks to promote fairness, equity, and the ability to address Africa-specific issues within the framework of global peace and security.

This initiative aligns with South Africa's commitment to multilateralism and the principles of the United Nations, reinforcing the need for a more inclusive and effective Security Council.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson, ANC, 11 September 2023