Independent Media’s decision to return to Press Council welcomed – SANEF

Upholding the Press Code is an important part of efforts to restore trust in the news media

SANEF welcomes Independent Media’s decision to return to the Press Council

1 February 2024

The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) welcomes the decision by Independent Media to rejoin the Press Council of South Africa (PCSA), after a seven-year absence.

The renewed membership is effective from 01 January 2024.

Since Independent Media’s decision to terminate its membership of the Press Council in 2016, SANEF has been vocal about the importance of having all legitimate media organisations falling under the jurisdiction of the Press Council.

This allows for the Press Ombudsman to adjudicate complaints levelled by members of the public against media houses that contravene the Press Code.

As previously stated, SANEF remains committed to the current system of independent co-regulation by the Press Council, which has four retired judges in its various structures and a panel that includes more representatives from the public than from the media.

Upholding the Press Code is an important part of efforts to restore trust in the news media, hence SANEF has always encouraged every self-respecting news entity to subscribe to the Code.

Independent Media joins the PCSA’s membership of just over 400 organisations who subscribe to the Code.

Issued by SANEF, 1 February 2024