Is Judge Desai really independent?
1 December 2020
Images have been circulating on various social media platforms for around a week now, depicting someone who certainly appears to be Judge Siraj Desai, currently a member of the Western Cape High Court Bench, depicting (him) in what is alleged to be an ANC meeting. (See images here, here and here.)
Our Constitution, in section 165(2) sets out clearly the rights, responsibilities and confines of our Judiciary, and states: “The Courts are independent and subject only to the Constitution and the law, which they must apply impartially and without fear, favour or prejudice.”
I have written to Judge Desai, via his registrar, requesting his confirmation or otherwise that it is indeed him depicted in the photographs. He has, to date, not replied.
If it is indeed the Honourable Judge, then a myriad of problems arise, not least of which is a huge question mark over his ability to adjudicate impartially, and without fear, favour or prejudice.