Is Mokonyane's son above the law? - Jack Bloom

DA MPL wants to know why so many cases have been withdrawn


There must be no cover-up.

A full investigation is needed into the hugely suspicious withdrawal of various criminal charges against Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane's son Retlabusa as revealed in today's Sunday Times.

According to the Sunday Times, more than eight cases have been opened against him, including charges of assault with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm and abduction, but these were all later withdrawn.

We need to know whether this is due to police inefficiency, a genuine lack of evidence, or interference with investigations from the very top.

Mokonyane will lose all credibility in the fight against crime if she does not move swiftly to remove all doubt that she had any hand in the withdrawal of these charges against her son.

The fundamental principle at stake here is equality before the law.

Mokonyane's fine words about fighting corruption mean nothing if political connections can be used to escape justice.

I will be asking questions in the Gauteng legislature about this matter.

The latest drunk driving charge against Retlabusa arising from his collision with a police vehicle on the night of 7 November is serious. We need to know who phoned the Kagiso police station that night to order his release and who authorized this phone call.

This is Mokonyane's moment of truth.

If it is found that she is directly implicated then she must resign.

Statement issued by Jack Bloom MPL, DA Gauteng Corruption Spokesman, November 21 2010

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