Joburg speaker attempting to protect Mayor – ActionSA

Gwamanda has a serious case to answer and is not fit to be mayor when there are accusations that he defrauded people

Joburg speaker dubiously delays ActionSA MONC in a bid to protect Mayor Gwamanda

19 June 2023          

ActionSA believes that the City of Johannesburg Speaker, Colleen Makhubele’s decision to delay ActionSA’s Motion of No Confidence (MONC) in Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda at the programming committee is a clear attempt to protect the mayor from accountability. The MONC was set to be heard in council this week but will now possibly be heard at the next council meeting.

Mayor Gwamanda faces serious criminal accusations of fraud, with reports this weekend that a funeral scheme he ran in Johannesburg was never registered at the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and therefore illegal.

Speaker Makhubele and the ANC-EFF coalition, which elected Mayor Gwamanda as a mayor to gain access to the city’s coffers, are protecting the mayor from accountability by delaying a MONC against him.

ActionSA believes Mayor Gwamanda has a serious case to answer and is not fit to be mayor when there are accusations that he defrauded the very residents he was supposed to serve. Therefore, we will write to Speaker Makhubele asking why she chose not to table the MONC at the council programming committee.

ActionSA will continue talks with other opposition parties represented in the City of Johannesburg council to ensure that the office of the first citizen of this great City is occupied only by men and women of integrity who will put the interests of the residents first.

As a party where ethical leadership is our cornerstone, ActionSA believes it is in the best interest of the residents of Johannesburg that Mayor Gwamanda does not get away with his possible illegal actions.

Issued by Funzi Ngobeni, ActionSA COJ Caucus Leader, 19 June 2023