Judgement on former MPs welcomed – MKP

Party says it was negatively impacted in Parliament in voting numbers due to acts of ill-discipline by perfidious individuals

Statement on the dismissed court application by the ten recalcitrant litigants

9 September 2024

The uMkhonto weSizwe party welcomes the judgment handed down by the Western Cape Division of the High Court regarding the court application by former members of parliament, which is dismissed with costs.

The MK Party never intended for this internal matter to enter the public arena as the discharged members were formally informed not to proceed to be sworn in as Members of Parliament. They proceeded with the swearing in and were subsequently informed by the Party that their presence in Parliament would be temporary. It was not enough for these recalcitrant litigants to drag the Party to court which led the Party to incur unnecessary costs relating to the changing of office locks, keys and even hotel accommodation for new members who could not access accommodation in Parliamentary Villages. The MK Party was further negatively impacted in Parliament in voting numbers due to these acts of ill-discipline by these perfidious individuals.

The court's punitive order only reaffirms our initial position, that this matter should have been dealt and dispensed with internally as this has brought the organisation into disrepute. All due procedures was followed in expediting the matter and we have been vindicated. The courts cannot be subjected to frivolous applications by wounded party members who fail to not only comprehend but also adhere to the party line. The continued egregious efforts of individuals who place their personal agendas ahead of the organisation and the revolution, will be thoroughly met with decisive action as no one is bigger than the organisation.

We as the uMkhonto weSizwe Party continue to work towards our mission to hold the Executive accountable as the official opposition in Parliament and work to implement the People's Mandate. We shall continue to lead and unify all black parties of the Progressive Caucus under the common fundamental principles and minimum programme of action to ensure the true liberation of our people.

Issued by Nhlamulo Ndhlel, Head: Media and Communications, MKP, 9 September 2024