Kgwadi's objectivity questioned – AfriForum Youth

NWU vice-chancellor tells radicals to fight, says group

Kgwadi encourages radicals to fight

14 October 2015

AfriForum Youth notes with shock the statements made by Prof. Dan Kgwadi, vice-chancellor of the North-West University (NWU), during a meeting of the student group #ReformPIK. Kgwadi addressed the students in the group, saying: “I'm encouraging you to fight.”

“AfriForum Youth condemns these remarks by Prof. Kgwadi in the strongest terms and wants to remind Kgwadi that the NWU is not a political playing field for university management with hidden agendas but an academic institution and that Prof. Kgwadi, as vice-chancellor, should remain impartial,” said Hans Gildenhuys, chairperson of AfriForum Youth’s Pukke Branch.

The group, which apparently has no affiliation to any political party, made several remarks about the university and other institutions. According to the group, black students on campus are oppressed and AfriForum Youth is the reason that Afrikaans remains on campus. According to the group, Afrikaners are the “root racists” on campus and therefore the PUK campus can be compared to hell.

“AfriForum Youth recognises the right to freedom of speech, but the right comes with a responsibility. Many of the remarks that were made, tend towards hate speech,” Gildenhuys concluded.

Enquiries to the Student Council of the NWU-PUK indicated that they had not given permission for this group to hold a mass meeting in the venue. This means that the group either got permission from Prof. Kgwadi himself, which raises questions about his objectivity; or that they went ahead without permission, which means that disciplinary action should be taken against the organiser.

Statement issued by Hans Gildenhuys, Chairperson: AfriForum Youth Pukke, 14 October 2015