Killers of EFF councillor found guilty of murder and more – NPA

Accused responsible for the murders of Koketso Mojatau and Siboniso Sokhele in April 2023

Killers of EFF councillor found guilty of murder and more

23 July 2024

Simon Mahuse (28) and his co-accused Frans Ntshumayelo (29) have been found guilty of multiple charges, including two counts murder, three counts of attempted murder, four counts of robbery with aggravating circumstances, unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition, by the High Court of South Africa: Gauteng Division, Johannesburg.

The accused were arrested after members of the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD) received a tip-off from members of the community. The tip-off led the EMPD to an address in Phumula. Upon arrival at the address, the police received further information about members of the family who were on a robbing spree and certain suspicious items were found at the house. The police called for backup in anticipation of the group coming back. Later in the evening four suspects approached the house and were confronted by the police and a shootout ensued. One suspect managed to flee, and one was fatally wounded. The two remaining suspects were apprehended.

The guilty verdict follows a diligent investigation by the police, which revealed that the accused were responsible for the murders of Koketso Mojatau who was an EFF councillor in the City of Ekurhuleni, and Siboniso Sokhele in April 2023. They were convicted for a series of violent crimes that were committed between January and April 2023. The evidence presented in court showed that the accused targeted unsuspecting victims, using firearms to rob and murder them.

The court heard how the accused accosted their victims at gunpoint, stealing their vehicles, cellphones and other personal belongings. In one instance, one complainant fought back, firing several shots at the accused, but was tragically shot and robbed of her firearm.

The police recovered the stolen vehicles, firearms and other personal items belonging to Mojatau and arrested the accused after a shootout on 23 April 2023. The accused pleaded not guilty, however Senior State Prosecutor Matthews Rampyapedi, presented overwhelming evidence that proved their guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. He further submitted that all the crimes were committed at night and none of the complainants or witnesses were able to identify the assailants. The state relied on fingerprint evidence, items found in the car, timelines in between the events and the modus operandi.

The court denounced the accused's modus operandi, highlighting the brutality and premeditation of their crimes and their total disregard of the privacy and lives of innocent citizens. Sentencing is due on 25 September 2024

The NPA daily prosecutes hundreds of such matters that affect the safety and wellbeing of our communities to insure justice for victims of crime.

Issued by Phindi Mjonondwane, NPA Regional Spokesperson-Gauteng Division, Johannesburg, 23 July 2024