Knysna coalition of corruption turns to Russian money – Dion George

DA MP says although Russia is sanctioned by majority of countries, coalition will take money from any source it can

Knysna coalition of corruption turns to Russian money

22 November 2022

Note to editors: Kindly find soundbite here

Earlier this week, the ANC/PA/PBI/EFF Coalition of Corruption governing Knysna hosted the General-Consul and Vice Consul of the Russian Consulate in Cape Town.

The visit was to “focus on local development and economic opportunities that could be fostered within Greater Knysna”.

After its invasion and continued war of aggression against the people of Ukraine, Russia is sanctioned by the vast majority of countries across the globe and unwelcome to do business.

The Coalition of Corruption, however, will take money from any source it can. Their first action, after ousting the DA-led governing coalition was to illegally adjust the municipal organogram to accommodate the employment of eight political cronies and then to appoint them without any due process. That unconstitutional behaviour is currently under consideration by Judge Henny in the Western Cape High Court, after the DA sought and obtained an urgent hearing last Thursday. The judge is likely to deliver his judgment on the urgent application to interdict payment of the cadre’s salaries this week.

The latest action to welcome Russian money to Knysna is yet another clear indication of the depths to which the Coalition of Corruption will go to enrich themselves at the expense of the hardworking residents of Knysna.

The DA will ensure that any Russian funded project is carefully scrutinised and the Coalition of Corruption is held to account if it facilitates any money laundering via Knysna to help the Russian government evade the well-deserved sanctions that have been heaped on it by the peace-loving nations of the world.

The DA will object in the strongest possible terms to the Knysna Municipality forging any co-operative relationship with the Russian Federation.

Issued by Dion George, DA Constituency Head, Knysna, 22 November 2022