Flood victims forgotten by govt – DA KZN

Party says oversight visit exposes shocking living conditions in Pinetown

DA oversight exposes shocking living conditions for flood victims in Pinetown

27 April 2023

The DA calls on KZN’s Human Settlements and Social Development MECs to act urgently after an oversight inspection at Temporary Emergency Accommodation (TEA) for flood victims in the Pinetown area revealed far from satisfactory living conditions.

The DA visit, which took place yesterday, led by DA KZN Spokesperson on Human Settlements, Marlaine Nair MPL and DA KZN Spokesperson on Social Development, Mmabatho Tembe, MPL came after numerous complaints from flood victims.

Last year, following continued pressure from the DA, KZN’s Department of Human Settlements under MEC Nthuthuko Mhlaba, committed to moving flood victims from inhumane living conditions in community halls to TEA’s.

The Department promised that flood victims would be moved from halls by the end of the year. At the time, more than 400 flood victims from various halls in the Pinetown and Outer West area were brought to live in leased buildings in Pinetown.

The DA has found that little has changed for hundreds of flood victims.

Their living conditions remain over-crowded with up to nine people per room, disabled residents not being able to access some areas and men and women forced to share the same bathrooms.

Despite having lived there for more than four months, flood victims are still having to put up with showers that do not work (view here) and unrepaired bathroom and roof leaks, including blocked sewer lines that overflow when it rains, causing sewerage to run down passages (view here).

There are also many elderly people amongst the victims who are suffering severe anxiety and a lack of dignity because of these circumstances. The DA will raise these and other social issues with KZN’s Department of Social Development.

The question this ANC-run provincial government and MEC Mahlaba must answer is: Why did the department lease a building that has not been maintained?

Residents have also advised the DA that while Human Settlement officials recently visited them, no information has been provided as to when they will be provided with proper housing.

It is clear that the ANC does not care about flood victims. Despite the fact that they have already suffered so much, they continue to be kicked from pillar to post.

Regrettably, nothing happens quickly under this ANC government. The situation is compounded by an already massive housing backlog in KZN and a growing emergency housing backlog.

The DA expects MEC Mahlaba to address the maintenance issues we found. We also expect him to act with urgency and fast track the delivery of housing to vulnerable flood victims, in particular those who are elderly and disabled.

The DA remains committed to ensuring that KZN’s flood victims are not forgotten by this ANC government.

Issued by Marlaine Nair, DA KZN Spokesperson on Human Settlements, 27 April 2023