"Leap of faith!" - Daily Sun

"Thousands head for their place of prayer" - front page lead, April 2 2015

Daily Sun (April 2 2015 ) - THEY ARRIVE on foot, by car, bicycle, train, bus and taxi. Some travel long distances, while others go to their local churches.


People from around the country and even from other African countries will make the journey to Zion City, the headquarters of the ZCC, about 25km  east of Polokwane in Limpopo.

The ZCC, founded in 1910 by Engenas Lekganyane, is one of the few churches that wasn't established by evangelists from Europe. The ZCC has members in every country in Africa and in most countries in the Middle East. It has about four million members and the worship of the Lord over Easter is attended by many of them.

Besides private transport, Transnet runs a number of passenger trains for the 380km journey between Joburg and Polokwane while the church hires thousands of 100-passenger buses for its members. Father Thabo Motshegoa of the Catholic Archdiocese in Joburg said the many Catholic churches around the country have double the number of regular congregants at this time.

He said at their church they have a congregation of about 1 500 but over the Easter weekend the number could easily exceed 
2 000. "We expect more people at the cathedral for the Easter services," said Father Thabo. "Our service starts at 10am when the Bishop will be blessing oil for people to take home." He said at many Catholic churches the service continues throughout the night and on Good Friday they have services during the day that include 10 prayers. St John's Apostolic Church of Prophecy in Motlollo, near Rustenburg will also be a hive of activity.

Worshippers will be coming from as far afield as Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and other neighbouring countries to attend the Easter weekend services. The church is expecting more than 20 000 worshippers and the event is usually attended by top government officials from North West and national government. The Shembe Church does not celebrate Easter.

See the Daily Sun's new website for more on this and other stories....


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