Learners and teachers in danger after large sinkhole appears – Khume Ramulifho

Gauteng DA MPL says GDE must send engineers to assess if it is safe for school to resume

Relebogile High school learners and teachers in danger after large sinkhole appears

9 February 2023

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng is demanding that the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) urgently send engineers to Relebogile High School in Khutsong, where a large sinkhole has emerged.

The DA has been informed that the sinkhole at the Relebogile High School has affected the toilets and left holes in certain parts of the building.

See the photos and video hereherehereherehere and here.

The DA is urging the department to send engineers to assess whether it is safe for our learners and teachers to continue using the school. This must also include the disaster management team to ensure that all necessary precautions are put in place.

Should it be found that it is unsafe to use the school or parts of the school, the department must urgently ensure that learners and teachers are relocated to a safe place where learning and teaching can take place without any further interruption.

Khutsong is known for having sinkholes, which become more prevalent after heavy rains. The DA is appealing for urgent intervention to implement safety measures to prevent any unforeseen dangers because of sinkholes.

The DA will be following up with the department on this issue. All our learners deserve to be taught in a safe environment that is conducive to learning and teaching.

Issued by Khume Ramulifho, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Education, 9 February 2023