Lekota Zille's messenger boy - ANC

Moloto Mothapo says DA planning to swallow up cope


It is nothing short of a bad comedy that Cope, which has been a joke of South African politics since its inception, believes it has a credibility to wag an accusatory finger at any party, let alone at a ruling party with a proud and distinguished history. Phrases such as ‘reached sell-by date' and ‘in menopause state', which were levelled at the ANC in yesterday's media briefing, will never stick as they are already inscribed on Cope's political tombstone (see report).

It is an open secret that recently Cope has been gravitating towards the DA, and that several meetings have been held between Helen Zille and Mosioua Lekota to have Cope absorbed into the DA.

It is also a known fact that Zille has always fantasised about the formation of an opposition coalition led by her party. Therefore the creation of the so-called ‘united opposition against the ANC' is just a façade by Zille's messenger boy, Lekota, to mask an attempt at getting other parties to be swallowed up by the DA.

Such deceptive manoeuvres cannot be taken seriously as they do not represent any real or meaningful effect to our country's political landscape.

Cope's wild invective against the ANC yesterday is symptomatic of a grouping overcome with a deep-seated inferiority complex and desperate for some attention. Because of the adverse psychological condition this party is battling with, we shall ignore the attacks and advise them to seek help.

Statement issued by Moloto Mothapo, Office of the ANC Chief Whip, November 15 2011

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