Lesufi continues to shield corrupt officials – Solly Msimanga

DA Gauteng leader says there is a slow rate of investigating cases related to financial misconduct and economic crime

No fraud detection report: Lesufi continues to shield corrupt officials

11 August 2024

Failure by Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi to produce one approved fraud detection review report for the fourth quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year indicates that he has no intention of rooting out corruption.

The fraud detection report is critical in assisting the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) to clamp down on and stamp out corruption.

According to Lesufi’s office, the report could not be completed because of the complexity of the project and a shortage of resources. They claimed that it required more work to be done than initially anticipated.

The same excuse was used during the third quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year. This is unacceptable because corruption can continue unabated with no consequences. It is also ironic because the Premier is always preaching about fighting corruption, yet he is failing to complete a report on detecting corruption.

Furthermore, there is a slow rate of investigating cases related to financial misconduct and economic crime. This leads to a low rate of prosecution when officials are found guilty.

If the Premier is serious about clamping down on corruption, financial misconduct, and other economic crimes, he will ensure that the fraud detection review report is completed.

A Democratic Alliance (DA) government would immediately complete this report to be used to clamp down on corruption. We will also prioritise conducting and publishing lifestyle audits of all members of the executive and heads of departments. This will ensure good governance, transparency, and accountability.

The DA challenges Premier Lesufi to complete and implement this report immediately and not shield his comrades implicated in corrupt activities.

Issued by Solly Msimanga, Official Leader of the Opposition: Gauteng, 11 August 2024