Lesufi must act against Maile’s racial abuse of journalist - SANEF

MEC falsely accused News24 journalist of racism merely because he didn't like the questions that was being asked

SANEF calls on Premier Lesufi to act against MEC Maile’s abusive behaviour towards a News24 journalist

22 August 2023

The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF) has listened to the shocking audio where Lebogang Maile brazenly attacks News 24 journalist Kyle Cowan and unfairly accuses him of racism.

Maile, Gauteng’s MEC for Human Settlements, decided to go on this tirade all because Cowan was asking questions about the progress in the probe into the Gauteng Partnership Fund, which forms part of Maile’s responsibilities.

Maile’s conduct should not be merely condemned but his boss, Gauteng Premier, Panyaza Lesufi, should call him out and also state publicly whether the views of Maile reflect those of the provincial government.

Calling Cowan, a “stupid racist white man” and telling him “f@#k you” are totally unacceptable and unbecoming of a senior leader in government.

Journalists have a right to ask questions, especially where public funds are involved. As a public official, Maile demonstrated arrogance and behaviour which brought the entire institution of government into disrepute.

Disappointingly, we have not heard a single word of condemnation from Premier Lesufi.

Leading up to the 2024 national and provincial elections, politicians should be cautioned on how they relate to the media, that their usual arrogant and dismissive behaviour towards journalists, particularly when asked uncomfortable questions, will not be tolerated by the media.

SANEF will always support the work of journalists, which includes asking tough and uncomfortable questions, and we will always speak out against any kind of rogue behaviour, regardless of who the offender is.

SANEF stands with Cowan and any other journalist who faces such forms of abuse. As an organisation, we abhor any form of bullying and attempt to intimidate and harass journalists.

Issued by SANEF, 22 August 2023