Lie-sufi strikes again – Solly Msimanga

DA Gauteng PL says premier should deeply consider which, if any, of his promises have come to anything

Lie-sufi strikes again

29 November 2023

The DA in Gauteng condemns the unapologetic lies being spread by Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi in the strongest terms. All debt to Eskom has not been forgiven, nor can he claim that it has.

The truth of the matter, as economists have long pointed out, is that large-scale debt relief, not unlike what Lesufi is punting, will lead Eskom into a deeper financial hole than the one it is already in. This, and people must understand, is another hollow election promise that will only result in disappointment.

While the premier is on the campaign trail, he should deeply consider which, if any, of his promises have come to anything.

The people of Gauteng have been subjected to his lies time and time again - from panic buttons in every resident’s home, to a crime-busting campaign led by a ‘skilled’ group of green-clad law enforcers.

Not one panic button has been installed, nor have we seen any skilled law enforcers come from his promise. We have, however, seen a group of ‘crime wardens’ driving around in luxury cars, breaking the law with neither a constitutional mandate nor an idea of what they’re doing.

There is a serious disconnect between what the Premier promises and the reality. Next, no doubt, he will flout free education and housing for all. More promises South Africans have heard before. Yet, here we are. Housing projects across Gauteng are at a standstill because suppliers have gone unpaid, money continues to evaporate into thin air, and the ANC’s commitment to lining the pockets of their friends remains the same, here, and across South Africa.

Lesufi is quoted as saying: “All the people that have owed Eskom for years, all those debts have now been officially scrapped…”.

This blatant lie enforces what we already know – he is an unfit leader. The people of Gauteng deserve a government that cares about their well-being all the time, not only a few months away from the election. If he cared about debt relief or anyone at all, he would have made good on his promise to ensure that Gauteng is the economic hub of South Africa. Under his leadership, we have lost jobs, and he has made it near impossible for people to repay their debts to Eskom.

The disfunction the people of Gauteng have been forced to become accustomed to, should not be accepted as the norm. There is an alternative, and come 2024, we will show them what a functioning government looks like – Lesufi, pack your bags.

Issued by Solly Msimanga, DA Gauteng Premier Candidate, 29 November 2023