Life Esidimeni: Judgment welcomed – ActionSA

This tragedy is clear justification for the need to criminalise undue political interference

ActionSA welcomes Life Esidimeni Inquest judgment finding that former Gauteng Health MEC acted with negligence

10 July 2024  

ActionSA welcomes the Life Esidimeni Inquest judgment, finally bringing the loved ones of the 144 mental health patients who suffered horrific deaths at the hands of a system that failed to protect them, closer to justice.

In its judgment, the Pretoria High Court ruled that former Gauteng Health MEC, Qedani Mahlangu, and former Gauteng Mental Health Head, Dr Makgabo Manamelaand, acted with negligence, which led to the deaths of several mentally ill patients. In a further shocking indictment, the judge ruled that their conduct made the deaths of these patients inevitable.

Noting the complexity with which the findings articulate the culpability for the causes of deaths and the handling of the deceased patients, ActionSA believes that the High Court's judgment leaves no ambiguity in that the circumstances of the deaths of all 144 patients fall at the hands of the negligence of the Gauteng Department of Health.

We further regard this tragedy as clear justification for the need to criminalise undue political interference in the operational work of government departments when it extends beyond reasonable oversight. The conduct of implicated officials also underscores the urgent need to professionalise the civil service with skilled professionals.

Sadly, today we remember one of the most tragic stains on our democratic system, where eight years ago, as a consequence of structural deficiencies, mismanagement, incompetence and criminal negligence within our healthcare system, the human rights of some of our most vulnerable citizens were violated. In this regard, we are committed to ensuring that the ‘living’ monument in memory of the victims is built, as instructed by former Deputy Chief Justice, Dikgang Moseneke.

ActionSA believes that a key lesson, hard and tragically learned from the Life Esidimeni tragedy and countless other testimonies of patients in our healthcare institutions, is that we must urgently fast-track the implementation of rigorous quality assurance standards that focus on dignified patient care, ensuring that every South African receives good medical services.

Issued by Kgosi Letlape, Member of Parliament, ActionSA, 11 July 2024