Loss of Ekurhuleni coalition a tragedy from which lessons must be learnt - ActionSA

Bongani Baloyi says there was no concerted effort to reach out to other parties to defeat looming motion

Loss of Ekurhuleni Coalition a Tragedy from which Lessons Must be Learnt

26 October 2022     

ActionSA notes the outcome of the motions of no confidence that have effectively collapsed the multi-party coalition government in Ekurhuleni.

We share the disappointment of the residents of Ekurhuleni at the loss of a coalition government that was beginning to reveal positive changes. This loss is one that impacts service delivery and the fight against corruption and paves the way for a return of failed ANC governance of Ekurhuleni.

For the first time, Ekurhuleni was taking steps initiate independent power production, renewal of infrastructure was receiving record high levels of expenditure and EMPD was producing strong results with the introduction of Operation Buya Mthetho. This was coupled with important work to combat corruption, and this is why the work of this coalition government became a threat.

ActionSA is on record on 7 February 2022 communicating our concerns for the lack of measures undertaken by the coalition to ensure the Ekurhuleni coalition government could survive motions of no confidence. We were unequivocal in our view that steps needed to be taken to ensure the stability of this coalition for the full term of office. Click here for a video feed of this press conference. 

This position of ActionSA was criticised by the DA as trying to bring parties through the back door. Regrettably, today, these parties have now united in their opposition to our multi-party coalition government and ended the tenure of a government that was starting to produce positive changes.

Over the past few weeks, when it was known that this motion of no confidence was looming, there was no concerted effort to reach out to parties to defeat these motions. Political insults have been traded in the place of what should have been a pragmatic approach to building majorities.

As we approach the 2024 national and provincial elections, it will be imperative that these lessons of local government coalitions are learnt quickly and with humility. This, however, offers little solace to the people of Ekurhuleni today.

ActionSA expresses our appreciation to Mayor Tania Campbell, and the parties of the multi-party coalition (DA, ActionSA, IFP, VF Plus and ACDP) in Ekurhuleni for working together effectively over the past 11 months.

We similarly acknowledge the work of our ActionSA MMCs of Public Safety, Tlhogi Moseki, and Health & Social Development, Charlotte Zitha. The track record of these ActionSA Councillors speaks volumes of their commitment to delivering change to the residents of Ekurhuleni.

ActionSA will now begin the work of conceiving of our approach in coalition to effectively hold an incoming government to account in the strongest terms on behalf of the residents of Ekurhuleni.

Statement issued by Bongani Baloyi, ActionSA Gauteng Provincial Chairperson, 26 October 2022