Makalo Mohale condemns Maselspoort racism incident - FState govt

Update: MEC welcomes the arrest of perpetrators who committed the horrible attack

MEC Makalo Mohale condemns Masselspoort racism incident

26 Dec 2022

MEC Mohale condemns Masselspoort racism incident

The Free State MEC for Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (DESTEA), Mr Makalo Mohale condemns in the strongest terms, the racist, and barbaric act that happened at Masselspoort resort, near Bloemfontein with the contempt it deserves and calls on all eyewitnesses to assist the police with information so that justice prevails.

Upon arrival, MEC met the management and instructed them to ensure that the alleged three perpetrators vacate the premises with immediate effect.

He waited to ensure that they vacate the premises as quickly as possible. He further explained that Free State has no space for racists and that the constitutional rights of young South Africans are violated therefore the matter cannot be treated as business as usual; that the Department will walk the journey with the family to ensure that perpetrators face the consequences of their actions.

In a meeting between the parents of the two affected boys and the Management of the facility, the Operations Manager, Mr Nicholas Mitchell confirmed the incident and indicated that they do not permit any racist acts or unruly behavior. He alluded that the Management has been supporting the family since the occurrence of the incident and will continue working with the law enforcement agencies to ensure that justice is served.

The parents welcomed and thanked the MEC for being at the forefront since the incident for acting swiftly to take the incident head-on by demanding that the perpetrators leave the premises with immediate effect.

MEC further welcomed the latest update from SAPS that perpetrators are now charged with the attempted murder and Crimen injuria. This is a positive development that will ensure that justice is served.

MEC Mohale committed to the family that the Department will assist where possible to ensure that justice prevails. And will leave no stone unturned. Will further report the incident to the Human Rights Commission.

Issued by Mojalefa Mphapang, Free State Department of Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, 26 December 2022


MEC Makalo Mohale welcomes arrest of Masselspoort Resort perpetrators

28 Dec 2022

Free State MEC for DESTEA, Mr Makalo Mohale welcomes the arrest of perpetrators who committed the horrible and racist attack at Masselspoort Resort on 25 December 2022.

The MEC applauded the SAPS for acting swiftly on the matter and whereas the two of them are released on warning, he is delighted that one perpetrator who is facing an attempted murder charge, will spend a night in jail before appearing in court on 29 December 2022.

"We call upon the court to mete out a harsh sentence to these men in order to deter potential perpetrators from committing similar offences, " MEC concluded.

Issued by Mojalefa Mphapang, Free State Department of Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, 28 December 2022