Malema gets a D for history (again)

Afrika Katze responds to ANCYL claims that the ANC not PAC organised the Sharpeville protests

Julius Malema has once again shown that stupidity knows no bounds. As the claws of justice keep on tightening around his pot belly, the buffoon has resorted to what appears to be desperate attempts to deflect attention from his pending legal woes. Of late the ANCYL chief mascot has unleashed a tirade laced with hate speech and incitement to violence against white South Africans in particular, and his opponents in general. Instead of answering to allegations of malfeasance related to his multimillion rand business empire built from government tenders, the jelly twerp has gone on an offensive willy-nilly castigating everything that refuses to extol "hail Prince Julius, you of the zumanoid dynasty! When the world was commemorating the Sharpeville massacre, the yob - probably still suffering from Heineken induced hang-over - intimated that the PAC "hijacked" the anti-dompas protest march from the ANC. Now that's absolute twaddle.

A historical fact is that the majority of residents in both Sharpeville and Langa townships have always been pan-africanist in their political orientation. Another historical fact is that then president of the ANC the late nobel laureate chief Albert Luthuli only burned his dompas five days after March 21 and Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Duma Nokwe and other ANC leaders only burned theirs on the 28th of March, a good 7 days after 69 unarmed martyrs were mowed down by trigger happy apartheid foot soldiers and over 200 survivors were maimed for life. The PAC of Azania and not the ANC organized and led the anti-pass protest marches that signalled a new direction in the struggle against apartheid and no amount of cheap revisionist history will change that.

Afrika Katze

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