Management of Gautrain playing games – NUMSA

Union says they should be tabling a meaningful offer to settle the strike!

NUMSA condemns the management of Gautrain for playing games during negotiations instead of tabling a meaningful offer to settle the strike!

12 July 2024

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has noted that the ongoing strike at Gautrain is having a very negative impact on the efficiency of the service, as a result of the NUMSA strike. A series of angry posts from frustrated commuters on X is evidence that the strike by NUMSA members is disrupting services.

It is disappointing that the management of Gautrain continues to gamble with the efficient running of train services because it refuses to negotiate meaningfully. We met with the management under the auspices of the CCMA as part of the mediation yesterday, and we expected the management to put a decent offer on the table which would settle the strike.

We were disappointed when the management put the very same offer, which they had proposed at the time, when we deadlocked, and it was rejected, again. They offered 6.5% increase, but this increase is not across the board. And if implemented it means there will be a marginal increase in the allowances. Last year we settled on 8% increase across the board and it also applied to the allowances. The management is insulting our intelligence by making the very same offer which was rejected when we deadlocked!

This is a sign that Gautrain management is playing games with the workers, and, also playing games with the public. We are also deeply disappointed in the Gautrain Management Agency (GMA), and in particular, in its CEO Tshepo Kgobe who was quick to rush to the media and create the illusion that they are genuine about resolving the strike, and yet, they allowed the Bombela Operating Company (BOC) to come to the CCMA and make the very same insulting offer which had been previously rejected.

Both the GMA and the BOC keep demonstrating that they do not care about the speedy resolution of the strike. If commuters are inconvenienced, it is because of a management that lacks vision and is careless about how the strike is affecting train services, and commuters. The blame for the continuation of the strike rests squarely with them.

In the meantime, NUMSA members will continue to withhold their labour until sense prevails. We call on our members to remain resolute and disciplined. They must continue to be united around their demands. We also reject the false propaganda that workers want to return to work. If that was the case, then there would be no disruptions, and no complaints from commuters.

NUMSA calls on the executives at BOC and at GMA to take this process seriously. We have engaged honestly and frankly with them, because we cannot afford to waste time. Our members are making the ultimate sacrifice, whilst they are playing games with a public asset, whilst risking the livelihoods of thousands of commuters. They care more about peddling propaganda, than resolving the strike.

Our door remains open for a frank discussion on a genuine settlement agreement which will end the strike.

Until such an offer is made, the public will continue to be inconvenienced and the service will continue to experience disruptions, because the strike will continue!

Issued by Phakamile Hlubi-Majola, NUMSA National Spokesperson, 12 July 2024