Mandela Day: ANC reaffirms its dedication to a National Dialogue

Party says we must harness the collective power of our diverse society to address the challenges we face

ANC statement on Mandela Day and the Opening of Parliament Address

18 July 2024

The African National Congress (ANC) honours the late President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela on Mandela Day and marks the inaugural Opening of Parliament Address (OPA) under the Government of National Unity (GNU) of the 7th Democratic Administration.

President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, an esteemed Member of the Order of Mapungubwe, Nobel Peace Laureate, IsithwaIandwe/Seaparankwe, dedicated his life to the pursuit of justice, equality, and human dignity. His journey of activism spanned decades of struggle and sacrifice, extending far beyond his post-prison politics. From his early days in the ANC, President Mandela was a relentless advocate for the rights of the African people, confronting the brutal realities of racial oppression. His activism took a decisive turn with the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in response to the Sharpeville massacre, underscoring his belief in the necessity of strategic resistance.

The Rivonia Trial stands as a testament to his strategic moral perspective, where he articulated a vision of a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, and prosperous South Africa. His famous words, "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society," continue to inspire our political discourse and action.

In the Rivonia Trial, President Mandela presented a profound critique of the apartheid state, advancing a strategic moral perspective that transcended mere political resistance. He underscored the importance of unity, equality, and justice, laying the groundwork for a vision of South Africa that was inclusive and fair to all its citizens. His defence was not just a legal strategy but a moral appeal to the conscience of the nation and the world, calling for an end to the systemic injustices that plagued South Africa.

Mandela Day is not just a celebration of one man's achievements, but a call to action for each of us to make a positive difference in our communities. This call to service is more relevant now than ever as we face the ongoing challenges of inequality, poverty, and injustice.

As part of our commitment to President Mandela's legacy, the ANC will be hosting Mandela Day programmes in the Dullah Omar region in the Western Cape. These programmes are designed to honour President Mandela's enduring impact on our society and to engage with our communities in meaningful ways that reflect his values of service and solidarity.

The National General Elections outcomes have necessitated a moment of deep reckoning for our country, in which we must all embody the principle of inclusivity that President Mandela so fervently championed. The OPA today will be a crucial platform to outline how South Africa must work on the basis of a binding vision. The President's Address this evening will not only reflect on our progress but will also set forth a clear and actionable plan for the future. It will highlight the need for renewed commitment to the ideals of non-racialism, non-sexism, democracy, and transformation, ensuring that every South African has a stake in our nation's success.

In the spirit of President Mandela's enduring legacy, the ANC reaffirms its dedication to a National Dialogue. This dialogue is envisioned as a social compact that brings together all social partners; government, business, labour, and civil society; recalibrate and recommit to the vision of a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, and prosperous South Africa. It is a call to action for all social partners to commit to specific tasks that will separately and collectively advance this vision. We must harness the collective power of our diverse society to address the challenges we face and to build a future that honours the sacrifices and aspirations of our forebears.

The Opening of Parliament Address by President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa today will be a crucial platform to outline how South Africa must work on the basis of a binding vision. The President's Address will not only reflect on our progress but will also set forth a clear and actionable plan for the future. It will highlight the need for renewed commitment to the ideals of non-racialism, non-sexism, democracy, and prosperity, ensuring that every South African has a stake in our nation's success.

As we commemorate Mandela Day and anticipate the first OPA, the ANC reaffirms its dedication to the principles that President Nelson Mandela lived and fought for. Let us use this day to reflect on his legacy and to recommit ourselves to the vision of a united, just, and prosperous South Africa.

Together, we can build a future that honours our past and secures a better life for all.

Issued by Zuko Godlimpi, Acting National Spokesperson, 18 July 2024