Mangosuthu Buthelezi to attend Margaret Thatcher's funeral - IFP

Party says former British PM played a key role in thwarting Soviet designs in southern Africa


IFP President Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi MP leaves for London tomorrow to attend the funeral of his late friend, Baroness Margaret Thatcher, with whom he stayed in very close contact, even after her retirement from politics, and in recent years.

Probably, Buthelezi will be the only South African amongst the 2000 world leaders and celebrities who will pay their last respects to the icon of British politics on Wednesday. The invitation speaks not only of their close relationship, but is also in recognition of Buthelezi's role in history. They found themselves to be kindred spirits, equally committed to the cause of freedom in the world, and to a non-communist outcome to the South African liberation.

Baroness Thatcher was among those great world leaders who fought and won the Cold War. Had South African fallen to Soviet control or influence, in all probability, our country would have been become the grounds for a major Cold War conflict. Baroness Thatcher joined Prince Buthelezi in denouncing violence and the Soviet-backed ANC's People's War in our country. She supported Buthelezi's call for an all-inclusive, negotiated outcome to our liberation, rather than the impossible dream of a Soviet backed armed struggle and insurrection. She also supported Buthelezi's call for the rejection of economic disinvestment and international sanctions against our Country, which both leaders recognized would only hurt the poorest of the poor in South Africa, without being felt by apartheid and the ruling minority, as it turned out to be the case.

The cooperation between the two leaders in this respect, moved the Western world towards working in a constructive manner for an all-inclusive non-Soviet South African liberation. This message received the support of US Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. Bush, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Prime Minister of Holland Den Uyl, Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti and others.

Like Buthelezi, Thatcher stood by her principles and recognized that the abdication of principles, only leads to decay. She shared Buthelezi's dream to make South Africa great in a manner akin to how she returned greatness to the UK. She loved South Africa and saw and hoped for a leadership place in the world for our country.

The IFP President will be accompanied by his advisor, Mario Oriani-Ambrosini, an IFP MP.

The media will be provided with pictures and updates, as and when available.

Statement issued by the IFP, April 14 2013

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