Margaret-Ann Diedricks capable, hard-working and honest- Jack Bloom

DA MPL welcomes the appointment of the new Gauteng Director-General


The Democratic Alliance welcomes Premier Nomvula Mokonyane's appointment of Ms Margaret-Ann Diedricks as Director-General of the provincial government.

This is a good appointment as she is capable, honest and hard-working, traits that I experienced first-hand when she previously served as Research Manager in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature.

This is the third Director-General of the province that Mokonyane has appointed. The personnel changes at all levels have not served the province well, particularly those that involved cadre deployment by Gauteng ANC chairperson Paul Mashatile.

Diedericks is starting in September, and will have to hit the ground running to ensure that government programmes are properly implemented in the fairly short remaining term of office of this provincial government.

Statement issued by Jack Bloom MPL, DA Gauteng Caucus Leader, July 19 2012

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