Marikana massacre revealed naked truth of SA’s post-apartheid reality – EFF

Mineworkers who survived continue to toil in exploitative conditions, fighting the same battle for a living wage

EFF statement on the 12th Anniversary of the Marikana massacre

16 August 2024

Today, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) marks the 12th anniversary of the Marikana Massacre, one of the most harrowing and shameful days in the history of South Africa. On this day, twelve years ago, 34 mineworkers were brutally gunned down in cold blood by the South African police, acting as mercenaries for the capitalist machine.

These men, who dared to demand a living wage and a shred of dignity, were met with bullets instead of justice. The blood of Marikana has stained our nation, and the echoes of those gunshots continue to haunt us. This was the culmination of the systemic dehumanisation that black mineworkers have suffered for centuries.

The massacre revealed the naked truth of South Africa's post-apartheid reality: that black lives are expendable in the pursuit of profit, and that the capitalist state will stop at nothing to crush those who dare to resist. Twelve years have passed since that fateful day, yet the wounds remain open. The mineworkers who survived continue to toil in exploitative conditions, fighting the same battle for a living wage.

The families of the fallen have been dragged through the courts, seeking compensation that will never bring back their loved ones. And yet, justice remains elusive. There has been no apology from President Cyril Ramaphosa, whose hands are drenched in the blood of Marikana. He, who was complicit in the massacre, has shown no remorse, no acknowledgment of his role in the slaughter of black workers.

The conditions in the mines remain unchanged, a testament to the continued exploitation of black labour. The mining companies, empowered by a government that serves capital over people, have failed to meet even the most basic social responsibility goals outlined in the Mining Charter. There is no beneficiation of our rich mineral resources, only the continued plundering of our land by foreign corporations, while the workers who dig deep into the earth remain impoverished and forgotten.

The Marikana Massacre stands as the catalyst for the formation of the Economic Freedom Fighters. It was this bloodshed that ignited our mission, placing the workers at the heart of our struggle. The EFF was born from the ashes of Marikana, with a vow to never let the sacrifices of those miners be in vain. We stand firm in our commitment to the memory of the Marikana miners. We will continue to fight for justice, for the families of the fallen, and for the rights of all mineworkers who still suffer under the yoke of capitalist exploitation.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 16 August 2024