MEC Mathabo Leeto should own up to her prejudices
MEC Mathabo Leeto should own her prejudices. This follows after she denied directing hateful and hurtful speech towards white South Africans and insulting the Leader of the Official Opposition, Dr Roy Jankielsohn, during the debate on Women’s Day earlier this month.
The HANSARD transcripts proves that MEC Leeto’s denial of her own hurtful words through comments to the media after the incident were an attempt to mislead the public and to conceal her prejudices.
In short, MEC Leeto claimed that rape in South Africa arrived with the ancestors of white South Africans, that their descendants are now DA members, that their graves should be dug up so that they can account, and that Dr Roy Jankielsohn was a piece of faeces.
What MEC Leeto forget is that all proceedings of the Legislature are recorded. For the benefit of the people of the Free State, we publish the verbatim Sesotho text below alongside our reasonable translation. MEC Leeto should own her words and should reflect on how her racially charged words further damage interracial interaction amongst ordinary South Africans. These are not the words of a leader. The official transcripts containing the below extracts can be found here.
MEC Leeto’s comments on white South Africans: