SADTU statement on the upcoming Medium-Term Budget Statement
23 October 2018
The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU), the largest trade union in the education sector and an affiliate of COSATU, is expecting new ideas from the recently appointed Finance Minister Tito Mboweni in his medium-term budget policy statement.
The Union would like to urge the Minister to avoid relying on old discredited economic policies, which continue to reproduce poverty, inequality, and unemployment.
We further advise the Minister to avoid the simplistic and narrow view that the public service sector wage bill is bloated and the sector wage bill is putting strain on the country’s coffers. It is not true that paying government servants hampers government from providing basic and essential services.
We must consider the fact that our population has grown, whereas the number of public servants has remained stagnant or declined in some sectors. In light of these facts, we therefore need more teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers and police.