MDC opposed to a reconvening of parliament

Statement issued by the Movement for Democratic Change August 20 2008

Recent reports suggesting that the regime in Harare intends to convene Parliament are unwelcome as it is disturbing. Article 9 of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that the parties executed on the 21st of July 2008, makes it clear that no party, during the subsistence of the dialogue shall take any decision or measure that has a bearing on the dialogue, save by consensus.

Such a decision or measure includes, but not restricted to, the convening of Parliament or formation of a new government. In the present case, the MDC has not consented to the convening of Parliament.

Any decision to convene Parliament will be a clear repudiation of the Memorandum of Understanding, and an indication beyond reasonable doubt of ZANU PF's unwillingness to continue to be part of the talks. In short convening Parliament decapitates the dialogue.

We as a party still remain firmly committed to this dialogue for one reason and one reason alone- the suffering of Zimbabweans has to come to an end, and any opportunity of liberating them from the current madness has to be pursued to its logical conclusion. 

In this regard, it is critical that wise counsel should prevail and these talks should be allowed to run their natural course. History will judge harshly those who were insincere, mendacious or negotiated with other agendas other than the genuine interests of the people of Zimbabwe.

Hon Mr. Tendai L. Biti

MDC Secretary General

Statement issued by the Movement for Democratic Change August 20 2008