Media report on Phala Phala baseless – ANC Integrity Commission

This is an attempt to put commission in disarray and to undermine its credibility and legitimacy

ANC Integrity Commission rejects media reports on Phala Phala

11 November 2022

The African National Congress (ANC) integrity commission reject in the strongest terms possible that it has released either to the National Executive Committee through the Secretary General's Office or to the public any report on Phala Phala. Whatever report that is circulating is baseless and has no authority or stamp of approval from the Integrity Commission.

In terms of the Integrity Commission Terms of Reference it is the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson who are authorised and entrusted with full responsibility to engage the media and release any media statements on the work of the commission. Neither of them has to date released any of the commission's report or media statement on Phala Phala.

We view the latest media reports as nothing but an attempt to put the Integrity Commission in disarray, undermine its credibility and legitimacy and ultimately the value of its recommendations.

The Commission reiterates its rejection of the irresponsible referencing by some in the media including opinion makers and analysts to the Integrity Commission as "toothless".

The Commission remains steadfast and committed to carry out its mandate without fear or favour.

Issued by Pule Mabe, National Spokesperson, ANC, 15 November 2022