"Closed NCACC meeting a deliberate attempt to hide the truth about dodgy arms deals"
[Note: The parliamentary meetings of committee notice, dated Friday 28 August 2009, states that the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans meeting with the National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC), which is scheduled to take place at 10h00 on Wednesday 02 September 2009, will be a closed meeting.]
The Democratic Alliance (DA) believes that the decision to allow Jeff Radebe, Chairperson of the NCACC, together with officials from the Directorate of Conventional Arms Control, to appear before the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans in secret is a deliberate attempt to cover up the truth about dodgy arms deals with some of the most repressive regimes in the world.
The public have a right to know how it was that we sold, attempted to sell or demonstrated and exhibited conventional arms in states such as Iran, Libya, Syria, North Korea and Zimbabwe, despite legislation aimed at ensuring that we do not trade in conventional arms with states engaged in repression, aggression and terrorism.
The NCACC should therefore be held to account in an open and transparent meeting by members of the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans.
Only then will we be in a position to determine in respect of each dodgy arms deal: -